Ibiyemi Abiodun

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Don't schedule, just meet

March 2024 to present


rdvz (pronounced “rendezvous”) is an app inspired by a simple problem - in a city like New York City, we all live pretty close to each other, but can still go weeks or months without actually seeing each other.

My hypothesis is that this happens because jamming our calendars together is too much work, and so we just don’t do it. So instead of planning dinners three weeks ahead of time, why don’t we just hang out in the gaps in our schedules, when we happen to be near each other?

This lead to rdvz, my first iOS app that I have ever developed without using React Native. It took me about one month to go from zero knowledge of Swift to a working prototype of the app. I tested it with my friends in Verci and got positive feedback, along with a list of bugs to fix.

Now that the app works, I’m trying to figure out how to land product-market fit, and I think that the key is by integrating IRL events - not just the ones that happen spontaneously in your friend group, but also the ones that happen spontaneously all the time in New York.

I have lots of ideas, so follow @rdvz.app on Instagram for announcements!